Sunday, August 16, 2009


I went to Hobart a few weeks ago, and was blessed with glorious weather the whole time I was there.

Old & new, Hobart.
Hobart has some gorgeous buildings and some REALLY ugly ones.


Aurora Australis.
The Aurora Australis.

Waterfront, Hobart.

Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery.
Having fun in TMAG.

Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery.
Tom at TMAG.

Death by television, Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery.
There was an exhibition in the courtyard at TMAG of works by school students, made from salvaged and recycled materials. This one was titled Death by television.

St David's Park, Hobart.
St David's Park used to be a cemetery. When it was turned into a park, all the headstones were stored away and, later, set into walls.

St David's Park, Hobart.

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