Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A day in town.

1. Gripe for the day #1: Australia Post.
Get this! It now costs 55 cents to send a letter through the post! I went in to the post office today to send off a bunch of CDs that I'd sold on eBay, and I'm now out 10 cents per CD because I didn't know that postage had gone up.

2. Gripe for the day #2: Muffins that stick to the paper.

Is it unladylike to scrape muffin off the paper with my teeth? I'm unsure. However, it was a pretty good muffin (poppyseed, cinnamon and apple) and I didn't want any of it to go to waste!

3. A day in town.
My mother and I met in the city yesterday for a day of shopping and gossip. I don't get to see her very often as my parents live 4 hours west of Melbourne, so it's lovely to get the chance to catch up with her!

Our shopping was mostly of the window variety, but we still indulged in an orgy of trying-on! Mum spent a good 45 minutes trying on gorgeous outfits from Veronika Maine, but we left without buying anything - I feel so sorry for the poor sales assistant!

I now have a brand new camera! It's my birthday present from my parents and grandfather. My birthday's not til the 24th, but I'm allowed to use it now. It's very exciting - I've not had a digital camera before! I'm going to go crazy documenting everything from now on. Look out!

We did both buy some new shoes - Mum bought a pair of Ecco gladiator-style sandals from David Jones, and she and I are now co-owners of a pair of vintage Dr Marten t-bar shoes, bought from Retro Star Vintage. We each paid half, and the deal is that I get to take them to Italy, and then she gets them when I get back. We're thinking we'll swap every four months or so. It's nice having a mother who shares my taste and my shoe size!

What do you think?

And here is my gorgeous mother, enjoying tea and cake in the GPO:

4. Shoe-and-baglust.

I found so many things I wished I had the funds to buy - where's my mysterious benefactor when I need him?? Number one on my list is this Mimco bag:

(image from Fashion Review Australia)

It's beautiful, and practical, and it's exactly what I need in a bag. It's not hideously expensive at $450, but I don't really have that sort of cash to throw around right now. I am thinking of going back and putting it on lay-by, though.

Number two is this pair of DKNY platforms:

(image from Zappos)

These are pretty stunning! I tried them on in DJs, and even though they were $400 off the original price, I don't need them and I certainly can't afford such a luxury. Still... I want to go back to the shop and try them on again!

What's your latest lust, chickies?


Tom said...

I don't think you're allowed to call things orgies when they involve your mum.


Unknown said...

Nice Docs! Lucky you having a mum with the same shoe size. I have size 8 wide flat pancake feet and my mum has perfect dainty size 6 feet, so we haven't been able to share shoes since I was 13.

Jezwyn said...

1. Oooh, you're an ebay seller too? What's your account name? I wanna scope Lily listings...

2. I used to eat the paper of my low-fat choc muffins, to ensure complete flavour consumption. It was low-fat, so the extra calories weren't an issue...

3. Yay, Jenny! My Mum was in town last week, we did the shop thing, and also tore it up in Veronika Maine! Mum always makes sure to buy something, although the shopgirls were utterly useless so it wasn't a guilt thing, I think...

4. I have lots and lots of flashy going-out shoes, but finally splurged on some actual comfy-yet-hot shoes I can wear to teach in (i.e. stand up and walk around all day in without making my toe nails buckle and soles bleed) - Camper shoes!! I found some super-cute-yet-solid-enough-to-suit-my-stature sandals with little mis-matching buttons, and a very classic pair of mid-heeled Mary Janes, in black of course... Yum!

Miss you missy. xxoo